Monday, June 20, 2011

What Were They Thinking?

My local Goodwill has gone a little crazy lately. Their prices have gotten slighly out of control. They love to print out the page for vintage china or an Ebay listing for an unsold overpriced item and place it with their overpriced goods. Even with these issues I still love my Goodwill. There is always something to make me smile and some amazing deals if you know how to look.

BUT sometimes I have to scratch my head and ask "What were they thinking?" See Exhibit A, B, and C below.

EXHIBIT A: Awesome vintage pillows -- I have actually been looking for some of these. The price was $4.94 a piece but that isn't the criminal act.

EXHIBIT B: THIS SHOULD BE A CRIME -- not just 1 or 2 plastic tags through fragile vintage textiles but 5 -- What were they thinking?

 The first time wasn't bad enough so they repeated the crime with the second pillow as well.

And since I was already in there I took a picture of the storage shelves my dear hubby set up in my craft room for me. We thought they would hold so much but they are already full. The 2nd shelf holds all the vintage labware I mentioned in my previous post.

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